Each company thinks that they have the worlds best staff, but here at Beerhouse we know that we really do have some of the worlds best staff.
Here is why:
We have some incredibly loyal staff. In the hospitality industry it can be a struggle to hold onto staff; many of the times it isn’t the right culture fit, they have moved industries or can’t keep up with the hours that the hospitality industry demands.
These staff members have not only been employed for more than a year (which is an accomplishment in it’s own) but some have been with us for half a decade! WOW!
Some of these staff members have developed their careers at Beerhouse, from waiters to managers or cleaners to bartenders. They are all perfect pictures of the culture that we have developed at Beerhouse.
Not only a love for beer and food but a desire to develop themselves and advance their careers.
Happy work anniversary to the following staff and we look forward to the next year of hard work and many beers!
May work anniversaries:
Bevan Newton – 4 years – Beer Whisperer at Beer Revolution
Kerina Govender – 3 years – Finance Manager at Beer Revolution
Valentine Rumbidzai Chinyani – 4 years – Waitron at Beerhouse Fourways
Prince Gapare – 5 years – Front of House manager at Beerhouse on Long
June work anniversaries:
Pepe Myve – 2 years – sculler at Beerhouse Fourways
Getting to know Pepe:
Pepe’s toothbrush colour is red, his beer of the moment is Beerhouse house beer LIT Lager. His favorite thing about working for Beerhouse is the challenge of working in the kitchen and he loves to cook. Pepe would love to become a cameraman and his favorite thing to do in Johannesburg is to visit his local library and loves to read.
July work anniversaries:
Abram Masuku – 5 years – Bartender at Beerhouse Fourways
Frankline Ngoma – 5 years – FoH manager at Beerhouse Fourways
Maxwell Sibanda – 5 years – FoH manager at Beerhouse Fourways
Fanent Zimba – 6 years – General Manager at Beerhouse Fourways
Madhock Lunga – 1 year – Bartender at Beerhouse Fourways
Thomas Tigere – 1 year – Bartender at Beerhouse Fourways
Siphetheni Mathe – 2 years – Waitron at Beerhouse Fourways
Lee-Anne Fredericks – 1 year – Cost & Management Accountant at Beer Revolution
Getting to know Lee-Anne:
If she could have a superpower she would have TECHNOPATHY, the ability to control electronics with her mind. Her toothbrush is dark pink and her beer of the moment is Liefmans Fruitesse, fruit beer is number 1!
Her favorite thing about working at Beerhouse is the culture, the people and the vibe we create. If she could learn anything it would be to fly a plane. Her favorite thing to do in Cape Town is go to the beach and go on road trips (so Capetonian). If she could meet anyone dead or alive it would be businesswoman and talk show host, Felicia Mabuza-Suttle.